Saturday, May 14, 2011

Health is the greatest wealth!

This week was National Healthweek at my work. One of my collegues held an interesting seminar and I want to share some of it INTERNATIONALLY - with greetings from Sweden and facts coming from our Health Studies. :)))

Sometimes I think people forget how the body reacts due to inactivity and with spending long times sitting down without making the time for regular working out. To not have a good condition the risk for overweight, diabetes and many other lifestyle related diseases are very high. I notice that many people spend  hours and hours and hours, sometimes not taking time for a short break or letting the body stretch out, by the computer for example.

Too much computertime requires those regular mini-breaks for sure. Ofcourse it will affect You sooner or later if You just sit there each and every day. Maybe first spending a lot of time sitting still at work and then also after coming home at sparetime.  Some people even have very bad eating habits as a second result due to those hours and all of it gives the chain reaction to depressions and other mentally conditions. A tired brain, low concentrationlevel, impatience and many other reactions is not an illness, but very common. 

A good example for a place where people get stuck and addicted is Facebook, chatprograms, gaming or tv. No news for anybody I am sure.

There is a very clever quote saying:
"The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility and pushing their luck!"  Very true one... 
The technological development is also very fast and we are offered more and more of devices to help us be lazy and in comfort.

Sure- I use them too as a big fan of technic and I spend a lot of time at Facebook. But I do it for short and many times instead, I stretch out, take mini-breaks and I do not get stressed out if people wondering why I am inactive at the chat for a while. 

I also have had a certain lifestyle of fitness since I was in my teens, interested in both physical and mentally health.  I love to keep my body active with good condition in every kind and I am also very interested in Mindfulness overall. Knowing about the importance of keep a good breathing. I am sure I have a great balance in my life as I feel it very quickly in both body and mind if I dont. I get awfully tired if I do NOT work out!

Also my every day as a single mother results to that I am the only one doing all and everything in the household, cleaning, doing laundry, dishes, running around putting things at right place,  going to the grossery stores carry home all the heavy bags and so on and on. 

That is for sure exercise too! :)

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Take a walk or the bike instead of the car
  • Play actively with Your children
  • Cleaning or gardening

Research shows that physical activity is both preventive, eases and cure many diseases - that is a fact. Physical activity can very often replace medicine and in Sweden the doctors more freqvently now writes "Recipie for Activity". Patients is offered a certain amount of  exercise as treatment for that specific diagnosis instead of pills! This method is very well working for most people and has often great side-affects too,  in lifestyle, happiness and relations. 

Did you know that it is more exhausting for the body to sit down than to stand up? It is true!
Be sure You´ve  got a strong core of your body. A strong stomach, back and neck prevents injuries and give You a great posture. Both when sitting down and standing up.

Did You know that new science shows that we get new braincells - despite what old schools said for many years that we don´t. We really do, and for that we have to keep our pace and condition in place. Those new braincells can prevent dementia in older years. 

Did You know it can be more unhealthy to be skinny and inactive with working out? Many thinks that skinny/thin people is automaticly healthy, but on the contrary  - skinny people have bodies that just do not tell when the cholesterol is high or body is in need of exercise-  because gaining fat is an obvious warningsign that they lack! A skinny person can in fact have more health issues than a visibly fat person. 

I can go on and on about these things but I made my point. ;)  
Keep a good pulsating heart, make Your skin glow from freshness within and celebrate Your strong muscles!

" Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness"  
- Edward Stanley

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lifestyle Servant

First of all I must apologize for my absence here, but the truth is that I was really busy with life, lots of big changes and enjoying great times generally.

Only some months ago I wrote my "Work Wish-list" including business/lifestyle. I had a lot of fun with it mindmapping and listed all kinds of things I would want to have, to learn, to feel and to enjoy in my DREAMJOB, without any holdbacks. Thinking outside the box where everything is possible.

It is a technique to use for collecting some great energy to make things happen. A way to set goals for yourself and to give Your wantings and desires life. I use to include it with pictures to illustrate the feeling I want around my wish, I keep is as clear as I can and I often include pictures of the specific item I wish for or a place I want to travel to or simply some words that give me lots of great positive vibes about it - I cut them out from magazines or my computer, in beautyful letters. And so it is.
My wishlist is sent out to Universe.

I love to use creativity and for me this is a wonderful way to see the "passion" with my eyes and after I done it I do not think about it much. I do not put any worries about "how" or "when" it will arrive. For me it is like with any kinds of orders You make in a webshop : I require my delivery and it WILL come when time is right.

This technique I also teach my children. For them it is often easier and my son loves to make "vision-boards". Children are still often free in mind as they already have much of those thoughts from birth. It is grown ups and parents that talks about "it is not possible", "you do not have birthday" , "we do not afford" and so on - planting worries, barriers and killing that spontanity in the force of dreaming and the charming idea about things actually can happen in amazing ways. Right people, right places and right opportunity gets in motion, moving like a great force around You and can really make it happen. In ways You never thought about or was able to dream about.

So, for You - I dare You to ask, believe and recieve.

I got my Dreamjob-delivery just in right time, all wishes included! :)))))

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Start doing things You love

Saturday, January 1, 2011



"When 111 or 1111 show up, it is a great sign of a golden opportunity. Both sequences mean that a "doorway" has opened up in which your intentions and goals will manifest extremely quickly. Seeing these numbers is almost like having the ability to make a wish when a cake with candles is presented to you."

The first day of 2011 , 1th January 2011 or 1.1.11 -that´s today.  Lots of number ONES there and I see it as a good sign.

This year I am sure is going to be THE ONE. 

The one when all in my life will reveal itself to what it was ment for all along. To have and to hold and to cherish and to unfold. It´s time. This is my soul-career in it´s best. If You know about Angelnumbers like me, if You see and hear the small stories whispered from above to guide You, then You know that sequences of ONE is magical.I wish You all a Happy New Year and Happy Moments Only!