is always the same as the quality of what you contributed"
This is taken from the book of Robin Sharma – "The monk who sold his Ferrari”.
A wonderful book that inspirates with enlightment and make you explore true secrets of life.
So many in life strive for more money, for cool friends and some people don´t take life serious for a minute and words coming out from their mounths world could really be without.
What do You do for your fellow beings? And for what reason?
It is a big difference between friends and friends. From person to person. Who you are and why, how much you dare to open up and share or what you prefer to tell and not tell. If you are a good listener.
What kind of personality you give out, that kind of friends You will attract.
That is why friendship is so important to me. And that is also why I prefer to have a few really close friends I can rely on, open my heart to and always know they check on me that I am okey, even when I am not that cheerful and shining like the sun.
That is why sometimes friends grow apart and the deepest connections can just fadeout to a dark shade of pale. It is horrible and sad, but has a logic explanation.
Because everybody has his own travel of life. Own experience, own preferences. We interact with the spirit of life or only with the daily chores.
Things changes, experience change you and a mans success may either humble the heart and let it grow into generosity and empathy or make the selfish part take over and give energy to the egocentric mind just got the nose on more success in material or money.
The fear of ruin the bliss separates people. But such a success is not true from heart and will not stay. And when You stand there empty handed You have lost a trustful heart standing by your side.
A true friend is always there, always watching your back. A true friend do not keep contact only out of guilt or a feeling of “have to" just to be over with it.
I am very careful with whom I give my heart and my deepest friendship. I am very loving and empathic, but also cautious and follow my instinct. I really care who I want to share all those happy good things in life with and also have courage to share my tears with, in lonely times or crazy adversity.
When I close my eyes and just think about it. Who´s face do I see beside me in the biggest dream or worst fear? I got a post on Facebook that really made me cry;
”The girl reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and I love her.
Help her live her life to the fullest. Promote her and cause her to excel
above her expectations. Help her shine in the darkest places where it
is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you
the most, and let her know... when she walks with you, She will always be safe.
LOVE YOU girl !!! ♥♥♥ I wish you a Lovely Day !!!”
I can feel a true friend and a warm heart in it. I can feel trust, support and this give me strength and smile at the same time.
Inesa- my sister by soul; That post was from You and I will always remember that moment when I read it. I am so so grateful for our friendship. You give my life quality!
Thank you!
By the way did u read his another book "The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO" /Robin Sharma
I love it :)
Life has its highs and its lows. Most of us get caught up in the drama of it all. When things are good, we feel happy. When things go bad, we feel sad. This kind of approach to living is a weak way to live. You become like a piece of driftwood floating with the tides. You shift according to the current: One minute you’re moving in one direction, the next you’re moving in another. A far wiser way to play the game is to let go of any judgment. Stop labeling the experiences of your life and simply accept them without resistance. The next step is to then understand that life is nothing more than a growth school, andeverything that happens to you is beautiful.”
“Everything? It seems hard to accept that the death of a loved one or the loss of a
relationship that brought so much happiness is a beautiful thing.”
“It’s only our limited human thinking that makes a thing right or wrong,” Father Mike responded. “An occurrence in our lives has nonatural right or wrong to it—it simply is. But in our human tendency to control things, we rush to label it.”
“As either good or bad,” I broke in.
“Yes. But there really are no good events, nor are there any bad events when you really go deep into the thick of the way the world works.Everything that happens to you is simply an opportunity to grow and heal a part of you that’s in need of healing. The wise see this and then seize these opportunities to flourish into more of who they truly are. And that’s why I say that life is a growth school.”
Father Mike continued. “Every day, as you go out into the world, you’re really going off to school. And just as in a traditional school, there’s a curriculum with different courses that offer different lessons. Once you pass a course by learning its lesson, you move on to the next course.”
“And if I don’t get the lesson?”
“Ah, then you repeat the course—of course,” he noted seriously. “It’s calledrecycling. Every experience that intersects with your life comes to you to teach you the lesson you most need to learn to rise to the next platform of your life. When the student is ready, the teacher always appears.”
“Anyway, if you get this process and realize the opportunity for a lesson in every situation, you can move on to the next course. And as you move on from the old course, you also move on from your old life because, interestingly enough, once you get the needed lesson, the type of person or situation that the lesson came wrapped up within never visits you again. It’s almost as if we shed an old skin each time we get a new lesson, pass a new course, and move on to the next, higher parts of our life paths.”
"But if youdon’t accept the learning that the experience represents, let’s say because you blame the other person involved for whatever transpired, and fail to see the point of wisdom that you were destined to learn, the circumstance will continue to repeat or recycle in your life until you finally get it. And the more you miss the lessons being presented, the more painful each event that carries them to you becomes until a time eventually comes when you’re suffering so much that your only option is to get it.”
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