Sunday, December 26, 2010

The magic of a Bookstore

I can stroll in them forever. It is a warm feeling of joy. Letting my eyes search over all the amazing, colorful covers and I love the fun in reading those titles. 

The titles makes You wonder. Some with a funny twist, some is like a clue and some of them are kept simple. Without any kind of hint of the book´s content at all. Feels odd, til you´ve read that book and understands it.  

Some catch Your imagination and curiousity of wanting to know more and many of the books are just passed by leaving no bigger feeling or interest at all. If I go there any other day ofcourse my eyes always find something new that I missed out before.

I also likes the feeling and texture of different books. Some feels old and stiff, some feels young shining glossy. Even their papers inside and fonts all looks different and a good book has it all. The perfect match.

For me it is like in a candystore. I would probably like to have a sweet bookstore of my own. Looking something like this and I love this name: Book Wise 


Ahhh, yes now I also remember. There was a book in the bookstore that I just must read. 
84 th  Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff. The Swedish title is “Letters to a bookstore” wich is a good description of this book. It is a true story, about an authors corresponding to this bookstore on 84 th Charing Cross Road, over many years.

About formel letters growing to a sweet lifelong friendship and love for the owner of the store.    

It is almost like with internet. Textcorresponding back and forth, getting to know a person with only words. The intention was maybe not at all to get interest in a person. A common place, community or subject, all those expressions and how well You are to put words of what you think, can make an unexpected difference.

Chemistry is happening, with or without intention.


I found the book in a part of my bookstore called “Staffs Favourite Corner”. There were books in a shelf with handwritten bookmarks inside the books with a good description of the content and a personal recomendation. Greatest thing!

I read many kinds of books, besides books about murders or crime. I have a big interest in books with facts of all kinds, books about self improvement, health, wellness or mind. 

The wanting of ever learning is big in me. The curiousity of all possible practical subjects too,  like crafting, homeinterior or cooking. 

This days mission was to find a book for my oldest son to read. A guy that do NOT like books at all, but I wanted to catch his interest for reading, to open his eyes for the big variation in books and that some books CAN be really fun and interesting.

I wanted a short book, something that could catch his interest and I found the book perfect for him!  A book with  a collection  of  SMS textmessages,  sent to wrong person by accident.
Textmessages with a sexy twist, ment for the new girlfriend coming to the boss. Or the reveling of something really embarrassing, sent by mistake to a horrified mom/dad.

It was so hilarious and embarresing only to read about it! I laughed so much and I knew
this was the book for my son, as he is sending textmessages all day long about all or nothing. 

    Source: Unknown

A fun thing happened as I was paying the book I´ve chosen. A very welldressed and handsome gentleman is standing besides me, smiling and waiting for his turn. When they wrapped my present in he presented himself as the author there for signing books!

In my life I am very sensible to synchronicity in different ways. I see the signals and signs in things I just thought about.  This time I spent in the bookstore started so many thoughts and feelings and now the author showed up.

All my desires for books, for writing, about the love I felt in the bookstore. All the people in there, so different from each other. Rich ones, poor ones, young ones and old ones. People very well dressed, people looking not classy at all. The feeling at a place gathering these great mix from different levels and professions in the society is just amazing. I love that and I love watching whom is picking up which book. 

And today there was also the gentleman, the author. 

It gave me a strong good energy. It excelled one thought of mine, a thought so many around me have been telling me, that I should live out the passion and benefit from the ease in me for sharing words, views and feelings. It would be no work. It would be a flow of inspiration just let go into what it want to be. 

So this thought, about writing my own book- someday, sometime, I am sure is coming true.
Maybe something of the many things I´ve written through the years is a treasure, just waiting for right time to occur. 

And how did it go with the christmas gift, was it appreciated?

Christmas arrived. And there was the book wrapped up. My son looked at me with suspicious eyes as I could see that he FEELS that there could possibly be a book inside that classy paper.

Well, for sure it was. I watched him with interest and he started to read… and You know what;  He was caught by it! 

Who would have known! He gave it his full concentration reading it, smiled and laughing out loud about it, sharing the best ones to me. This moment is one of those I really will remember about this Christmas of 2010. To see him sitting in that confy armchair besides the fireplace, turning page after page after page. 


Anonymous said...

I think this song lyric express everything -

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